An eagle landed on a cage where inside was a parakeet. They communicated with their eyes & although the parakeet can’t go anywhere, the eagle freely flies, soars high in the sky & plunges for food which it brings to & shares with the parakeet. God our Father & Jesus Christ His Son are one with the Holy Spirit. “When you see the Son, you see the Father.” God our Father is free while Jesus the Son is held captive until He is made a paschal sacrifice to die for us. Our Father sustained Jesus while in agony in the garden of Gethsemane. The cup could not pass by Jesus. He has to drink of it, suffer and die for our sins. The parakeet wishes to be free but remains captive. Jesus, not a parakeet, dies but rises from the dead to be with our Heavenly Father & with us in spirit. Praise the living God!