Visions (1)
Elijah's Chariot & Moses' Tablet
Elijah’s chariot is similar to My cross. They are both vehicles to My Father’s Kingdom. The reason Elijah and Moses raised Me at the occasion of My transfiguration Is My Father summoned them to testify to the truth To My followers, Peter and John and James. Elijah and Moses guarded the truth. One may assume to the Heavens in both body and soul. And there is wisdom in the Ten Commandments. Elijah fled in his chariot to the Heavens But he brought it back showing it to Me at My transfiguration In the form of the cross to which I would be nailed. Moses received the tablet of the commandments from My Father Himself. My cross and the Ten Commandments are the horse and the wheels, respectively, For Elijah’s chariot back to My Father’s Kingdom… When all his prophecies will have been fulfilled through Me. My brothers and sisters, raise yourselves and be wise. Guard the truth and travel back with us to Our Father. (4/30/89 – Cursillo)
My Sacrifice
I was nailed to the cross, hung for three hours While my Mother stood beside My feet. My side was wounded and My blood gushed forth Of which drops fell upon your eyes. Now you see The injustice and cruelty to which I was made subject. I thought of you In this, My act of sacrifice. I had begged My Father to forgive you. I tell you, whenever you make an act of sacrifice, To do it in My Name For the sake of the least of your brethren. (8/4/90 – Antioch Retreat)
I fulfilled My promise to My faithful servant, Abraham. I made him father many nations And his descendants shall be as numerous as the stars in the sky And the sands in the seashore. The firmament and the seas faced one another and watched… The brightest star shine over Bethlehem, One descendant in the lineage of Abraham, My begotten One. Shepherds and kings followed My star to a manger Where they bowed in humble adoration to My Son, Jesus, the light of the world. This is My promise…the firmament and the seas and all else shall pass away But My light and all in the darkness that comprehend IT. (4/13/91 – Sr. Fely’s)
Be Wise
You have been like the three wise men led to the manger Wherein I was lying as a babe. You come to bring me not gold, frankincese or myrrh But your most precious gifts of praises and adoration. Rightly humble yourselves before Me. How can one take off a crown if he is not wearing one. But you are as wise as these kings. Kneel when you say the Lord’s prayer. You will not only be adoring Me, the babe in the manger, But you will also be invoking upon My Father, The One Who sent Me. He Is Who Is. (8/7/90 – St. Aedan’s Charismatic Healing Mass.)