Visions (5)
Fragrant Perfume
Ever since you were conceived in your mother’s womb, I have created you into the most beautiful bottle Containing the most fragrant perfume – imperceptible on earth. I want you to let go and not stay tightly capped. Open up and let your spirits out For all to breathe and be filled with life that most delightful scent After which I want to mold your character, this bottle, With fragrance appealing to people’s senses and the good of their soul. (10/31/90 – Sally’s LISS)
Our Lady of Fatima
Sons and daughters, you have heeded my words well. I have consistently told you to pray For the conversion of sinners and Russia. There is a nuclear threat that may be activated. Wipe out this whole world And a radioactive cloud may develop. But now, my children, The only cloud hovering above your heads Is the one I am standing on, with your Brother, Baby Jesus in my arms. I have conquered the threat. My Baby Jesus, I and you…We have won the war. You may now go in peace but, continue to pray. (10/13/90 – Sally’s LISS)
The Rooster
Do not ignore the symbol for which the rooster stands. It shows directions. It points to the East, To the West, to the North and to the South. Now it is facing the East…look there! Where a star is rising. Let it lead you to where I lay as a Babe. Where My Father’s angels sing praise and adoration For I AM their Prince in a humble estate, Not born in a temple where I would be denied and sentenced to die, But in a manger. (10/21/90 – Sally’s LISS)
Jesus is the Answer
You are always in search, looking for answers In the deep, unrealistic phenomena. Now you ask who is holding you, It is I, your Mother. The rays of the sun from my right hand are touching your left hand. That is how close I am to you. You look into my Immaculate Heart, You probe into its inmost meaning. Now, look at me in a different angle, As in a diamond frame to keep up with the world. Just keep on serving and loving My Son, Jesus. And everything will be in His good order. (10/26/90 – Fely’s LISS)