Conceive/think and bear fruit
Like in the Old Testament, God’s messages come across in the first person pronoun. He is actually using prophets to convey His Word as if He had possessed them at least for a minute. The person whom He is using during the time His message is spoken comprehensibly must be a person of credibility & commitment in the service of our Lord. Sometimes during mass God’s channels of vision for me take a direct route bumper-to-bumper connection with the day’s Gospel readings, often responsorial psalms & communion antiphon. Whenever this occurs, I know this is really real. GOD must be really using me as His screen & I’ve gotta let everyone know what He is saying. This book is just the beginning of our journey together, exploring the infinite mystery Whom GOD IS, as some of us with open & fertile minds gifted with vision have tried to barely scratch the surface of His immeasurably vast kingdom of which our minds try, time & time again, to read between the lines in the pages of scripture. Scripture tells us (as we read it) the Gifts of the Holy Spirit came down ini the form of tongues of flame upon Mary and Jesus’ apostles, henceforth, they spoke in tongues & became courageous winesses of Jesus’ messianic mission as the Son of GOD. We are Jesus’ apostles now. We have an obligation to speak on His behalf. I’m so overwhelmed by this tongue of flame that has sat upon my head. St. Cecilia even taught me a beautiful, colorful melody to sing it (during my Cursillo weekend, April 1989). I, like everyone should, keep praying for all the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and I’d like to use them all & well, in accordance with God’s Will. The Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, is the only contact I have, yet He is my bridge to the Two Other Persons, namely, GOD the Father & Jesus Christ. I truly believe it’s very possible for every person under GOD’s Heaven to receive all the gifts of the Blessed Trinity provided he/she pray worthily & sincerely for them. Jesus is really our supreme, utopian ancient Tower of Babel to reaching God our Father through their mutual spirit, our Mediator. Because we believe Jesus lives 2,000 years ago, was conceived by the Holy Spirit, gave up His Life to save us & sent His Holy Spirit down to us to remain with us forever, we’re striving to build ourselves rather than towers to be filled with His eternal life, to live for others and as long as we’re remembering Him at daily mass, He is breaking bread with us after meeting us in Emmaeus, day after day after day. What joy Cleopas must’ve had walking side by side with Jesus, whom after breaking bread only then Cleopas recongnized (Luke 24:13-35). Taste & See…St. Thomas, a saint in spite of his lack of belief, did not I don’t think so taste Jesus’ holes in His hands or cut in His side before he could see with his eyes as if he had been blind. Jesus always talked about the bread of life whom He is & whom we ought to seek to be filled versus the bread He could multiply to fill their hungry bellies. Jesus is talking about our spiritual not our physical welfare. “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God & all else shall be added unto you.” If we could taste God’s Kingdom in the Holy Eucharist then we’re one step towards seeing Him. It’s all a matter of Faith & that all our actions must be geared towards pleasing God. The wafer, as little as it is, can be extremely powerful when we wish it to fill our hunger. Imagine how a baby is formed in his/her mother’s womb. Conception starts when a man’s sperm gets in contact with a woman’s ovum. The wafer is analogous to this situation wherein the wafer is God’s Word and our mind is His fertile ovum. As a consequence of this rendezvous, our mind, espoused by God’s Word, must give birth to His Word in a place where some darkness needs light, to testify to His light. St. John the Baptist prophesied the coming of “The One Who Is Greater,” and preached repentance to prepare the way for “The One Who Is” to come. As far as preaching repentance, I might be considered a prophetess in my dealings with people with whom I come in contact. Surely I admit Jesus is Greatest! He appears to be so in all my God-given prophecies. You’ll find the dates of these visions in parenthesis at the end of every prophetic message. There are times I forget visions & I try very hard to recall them. Usually, I manage to remember within the next couple of days when I see something so closely resembling it, actually, or something the message is trying to say along with the vision. No matter what, GOD makes sure I remember everything He tells me & He makes sure I get His messages across in one form or another. On November 5, 1991, something in back of my head said to me, indeed, I am a true prophetess. But, unlike St. John the Baptist who shouted, “Repent and prepare for the way of the Lord,” I shoud, “Praise the Lord, Jesus!” Like him, I tell people they’re wrong, winning & offending God when, in fact, they are. I guess I’m just a bit luckier I still have my head on my shoulders, I’m still carrying on, sharing Gods’ visions, hopefully with enough prudence and valor. I taught the Catholic religion for 9 years, served as Eucharistic Minister & at the present time, preside at a Legion of Mary junior praesidium.